Sunday, 9 June 2013

Fare Thee Well!!

So the day has finally arrived. I'm sitting on a plane, listening to the soothing voice of Phillip Adams of Late Night Live &  heading for Cairns. We have said our final goodbyes to our families & friends. It was hard to hold back the tears but I knew that if I started crying then it would be like a day out at Wet'n Wild. So everyone remained stoic! 

Saying goodbye is hard. I'm met with mix emotions. I'm glad this day is finally here. All our preparation paid off & we can start this new & exciting part of our life. But I'm also sad & emotional. I feel an overwhelming sense of loss & guilt. I am going to miss out on so much back in Brisbane & life will progress without me. I am leaving this perfectly happy life behind in search of this great unknown & right now I have no idea what that is! I have moments when I think "what the fudge am I doing! I'm really leaving all this behind!". 

I guess that's what happens when you leave. You start looking more fondly at things. Work doesn't seem so bad- not that I've had to work for the past few months. I should note before anyone takes offense- I do have a wonderful life & amazing family & friends. I truly am very lucky. I guess this is just the storm before the change.

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